An explainer video focused on the pattern of popular music slowing down in tempo across the past few decades. 

I was fortunate enough to be allowed full reign on art direction, animation and sound design for this Rolling Stone video.

The aim was to create a stylish and fun explainer video that would also be able to visually represent basic aspects of music theory in a clean, easy-to-understand way. The video would also require a look that integrated the live-action footage and photography assets with the design aesthetic in a unified way.

I presented two distinct styles for approval and was then allowed to run with the chosen one (Design 01).

The final video extended to over 7 minutes of running time, and the biggest challenge was to make sure to sprinkle in enough unique animated scenes inbetween lengthy interview audio clips in order to hold the viewer's interest. 


Pre-Production - Proof of concept animation:

Design 01

Design 01

Pre-Production - Styleframes

Design 01

Design 01

Design 02

Design 02


Design 02

Design 02